Science World / Olympic Village Area

False Creek Olympic Village is a 2.9KM (about 3,805 steps) walking path. This path was used during the opening of 2010 Winter Olympics. This path is now converted to a pedestrian/bicycle path.
During your evening walks along False Creek, you can see the change between the busy city scenery to the lighted houses.
From the starting point, you can see the circular building, which is the Vancouver Science World. The building was actually called 86 Expo Centre prior to 1987 when the government decided to remodel it to become Science World British Columbia. From 1987 to 1989, the reconstruction began and was finished by 1990, welcoming more than 700,000 visitors the first year. Since then, Science World has worked on a lot of indoor interactive projects, and was awarded $9,000,000 sponsorship from Telus in 2004. In 2005, Science World officially changed its name to 'TELUS World of Science'

Along the path towards Cambie Street, by the bottom of the bridge, I found a light board that read 'Should I Be Worried". Its a simple phrase, yet it gives different people different thoughts. To me, is there any use to worry? Instead, we should enjoy the living moments we have with our loved ones, live everyday as happy as we can.

Special Credit for the photo: Mavis Lau

Taking pictures under and around the bridge is very unique.

When returned to the starting point, the lights from Science World and BC Place were all turned on. These two buildings are located across from each other, and with their lights turned on, it makes the city feel much more cohesive.